Fantastic Friday!
We worked on completing our "I Am" poems. What deep, creative thinking! Way to go, Class! Over the past few weeks, we have been discussing and focussing on virtues in relation to our class mission statement. Today, we watched the Kindness Boomerang and signed our mission statement - our commitment to striving to build a DETERMINED, RESPONSIBLE, LOYAL, GENEROUS, JOYFUL, RESPECTFUL AND TEAM-focused classroom community.
We have been working on slowing down and being observant. Today, we took our observations and formed them into curiosities, using "I Wonder..." We spent some time outdoors, brainstorming our curiosities... stay tuned to see where this leads! We read another chapter in Silverwing! What a great discussion today about history! We discussed if and why history is important. To finish our morning, the students had an opportunity to present "themselves" using the art puzzle pieces that each student created.Students, please remember to bring an independent reading book from home to use during class time!
Have a wonderful weekend! You make us so proud!!