Magical Monday

 Monday, September 21

(We will be updating our blog each day. Starting October 1st, the daily blog/announcements will be located in the Google Classroom. Parents can sign into the Google classroom using your child's CBE gmail and password. Please let us know if you need any assistance.)

✅. Parents - please sign up for a conference time for Thursday evening or Friday morning. Information was emailed to parents last week, and shared on our school webpage (see link below) 📅 Upcoming Dates: · Early Dismissal @ 11:45 – Thursday, September 24 · PT Conferences 3:30-7:30 – Thursday, September 24 · No school – Friday, September 25 · PT Conferences 8:00-12:00 – Friday, September 25 · Orange Shirt Day - Wednesday, September 30 💻. ✍🏼 LA: This morning, worked on our research skills using our "Wonder" topics. We worked on making jot notes by analyzing information to find main ideas generated from our "I Wonder" questions. We are working on adding artistry into our "I Am" poems. 💻. Math - MIPI - students entered their answers into a Google Form. ❎ Math - Students signed into Google Classroom to complete, correct or check their score for the Multiplication Arrays started last Monday. Some of the students took the initiative, before today, to log in at home and complete the work or do corrections ~~FABULOUS!! 💻. Math - Some of the students had the opportunity to sign into Prodigy and work on their math skills. The sign in for Prodigy is located in Classwork. Scroll to the bottom of the Classwork page to find the information. Use the grade level code to join our Prodigy Classroom. 🌳. Science - We were so excited to discover more interesting facts about trees and forests. We used the laptops to visit websites listed in last week's Classwork, and record 5-10 of these facts in our visual journals. 🎵. Music - After a warm-up of Follow-the-Leader with signature and other moves, students designed a Note of Hope (what they hope to do and learn in Music this school year). Mrs. Anderson will be creating a Google Classroom with Music links and information for students. 😀. Have a great evening.