Wonderful Wednesday
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Update: -Our Virtual Terry Fox Assembly is tomorrow morning at 8:30AM for students. -Our Terry Fox Run for the Grade 5/6 students is Friday at 10:30AM. Wear your RED AND WHITE and dress for the weather!Remember to visit the Google classroom for additional information. The blog will no longer appear here starting Oct 1st.
LA-We had a great discussion this morning about heroes. Ask us about it! We discussed what we think it means to be a hero and how this ties into virtues/gifts of character.
SS-We continued to work on our Canada mapping skills.
Science - Each student collected 6 different leaves from the front of our school. Then we created a booklet from a single piece of paper. Using wax crayons, students made a leaf rubbing of each of their six leaves. Tomorrow, we will be looking at the different characteristics of each leaf and labeling our leaf rubbings.
Math - Students completed the MIPI for their grade level.
What is the MIPI?
The Math Intervention/Programming Instrument (MIPI), is a tool used with students in Grades 2 to 10. Students complete this short assessment on math concepts they learned last school year. For example, a student is being programmed for at Grade 6 will answer a series of questions based on Grade 5 outcomes. The results will not count toward your child’s grades. Teachers will use the MIPI results alongside other information and evidence gathered about your child to determine the programming needed to support success in Mathematics.
Why was the MIPI implemented?
The MIPI will help gauge how well students understand different math concepts. It’s a tool that will allow teachers to identify where your child may be having some challenges. Because it is taken at the beginning of the year, teachers can use it to identify areas of difficulty, so they can help students succeed.
To Note -- Yesterday, we had an important discussion about wearing a clean mask each day. Likewise, having a clean backup mask stored in the backpack is beneficial for when a student's mask is misplaced or becomes wet. Thank you to the parents for the extra time it takes to establish these new routines. Your assistance contributes to everyone's safety at POW.